Where is broken fang cave
Where is broken fang cave

where is broken fang cave

  • Fast traveled to Gjukar’s Monument to get there, and engaged a Blood Dragon spotted another one flying in the distance to the northwest, but that one didn’t get close enough to engage.
  • Had to take another quest from Gunmar, this time it was Cleansing Light, at Broken Fang Cave.
  • Returned to Fort Dawnguard to resolve the quest.
  • Fourth time through finally just got to the point of being able to pay the damn bounty.
  • where is broken fang cave

  • Third time through I went straight to Whiterun rather than the watchtower, but chose the wrong option and got thrown in jail.
  • Backed out of it the second time as a guard got in the way when I was trying to hit a vampire, and I accidentally killed him and got a murder bounty ARGH.
  • Resolving the bounty took longer than killing the vampire did tried to go to the Western Watchtower to report to the guards, but got killed by vampires the first time.
  • Got vampire bard killed outside Raven Rock took two tries because he killed me with frost blasts the first time through.
  • Got new Hide and Seek quest from Gunmar to kill another vampire pretending to be a bard this time the vampire was in Raven Rock.
  • Headed to Fort Dawnguard and resolved Florentius’ quest.
  • Dropped the staff in my chest in the Arch-Mage’s quarters.
  • Resolving Ormund’s quest fixed the staff problem I didn’t even have to make Enthir send me anywhere to seek the staff or even ask me for it, since I passed a Persuade check to get him to give Ormund his family amulet back.
  • where is broken fang cave

  • Killed the Ancient Dragon second time through, and dropped it onto the top of the Hall of Countenance.
  • Came back just outside door at Proudspire, take two trying to go to the college.
  • Tried to go to the college to deal with that, got fast travel dragon, tried to engage, game crashed.
  • Discovered I had a Grand Staff of Charming that couldn’t leave my inventory, because it was a quest item for Ormund’s favor quest at the mage college.
  • Played hide and seek with the girls, and saw Sofie playing the drum <3.
  • Fast traveled to Solitude, sold stuff to Gulum-Ei and Angeline, stopped by Proudspire to check in with the family and pick up Nightingale weapons.
  • Fast traveled to Lakeview to make potions and drop stuff off.
  • Started off in Markarth, sold stuff to Lisbet.
  • Shortish session this time, again all about the side quests for the Dawnguard, but with stops at both Proudspire Manor and the mage college! Highlights

    Where is broken fang cave